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Avian Poetry – Microfiction Monday

The bird themed poems this week were inspired by last Wednesday’s watercolor painting of feathers. The first is a Golden Shovel poem using lyrics from Bob Marley’s Three Little Birds. I couldn’t get the song out of my head while writing about birds. The second is a free verse poem about feathers.

Little Bird

The street lamp brightening my window is my sun because it’s three 

a.m. and I’m awake sketching little

drawings of lakeside sunsets and listening to the sing-song trills of birds.

I wonder what bird is awake with me so early (or late), singing a pitch

perfect song. I look out my window to see a mockingbird by

itself, perched on the birch tree outside my

window. In the morning, I find he has left a feather on my doorstep

Sources: Three Little Birds by Bob Marley


Midnight blue, scarlet, inky black, moss green, speckled brown

Splotches of ink blotted onto silky fabric.

I think of feathers lost like strands of hair

But while feathers are a treasure to be found

My hair only chokes the vacuum. 

Published in Microfiction Monday Poetry


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