These small poems were written during the creative writing camp that I taught last week. The Haiku and the first acrostic poem were written collaboratively with the students in my class. The last acrostic was a poem I wrote myself while the students worked on their own poems.
Haiku Poem
Cherry blossoms are
bright pink fireworks in springtime
bursts of quiet and peace
Acrostic Poems
When I sit down with pen and paper
Right away I start to write.
Imagination brings galloping words to mind of
Turtles in poetry tournaments for glory.
Iguanas come to distract their turtles and steal their fame.
Nothing can stop their word war, until your
Gross brother interrupts your writing.
Under the pearly light of the moon they play
Neighing softly to each other
In groups of two and three. They
Canter around the meadow, tossing their horned heads.
Oh, how their shimmering crystal hooves glint and their
Rainbow manes and tails sway in the wind.
Nothing can compare to the night time dance of the unicorn.