I miss the days in school when you got to do art projects with glue and glitter and scissors and popsicles sticks and little macaroni noodles. When my co-teacher had approached me with the idea to work with some of our students on a fun activity outside of class time I was immediately on board. These kids work so hard despite having so much set against them. It was a joy to be able to provide them with a moment to do something purely for fun.
The idea was simple: to take stickers, scraps from magazines and newspapers and old books, scrapbooking cut outs, decorative tags, and printed pictures and glue them all together into a fun collage postcard. The students had a blast, I had a blast, and I’ve been slowly working on putting some together in my own time.
My hardest struggle is always the fight with perfectionism. I love these postcards because the point is to be messy. There is a peace that comes with picking colors and patterns that are enjoyable together. A simple pleasure that comes from the basic interaction with familiar childhood scissors and glue. I have never outgrown my love for stickers.
I hope in sharing these that you get a small portion of the relaxation I felt while making them and hopefully they inspire a creativity in you. I hope you embrace nostalgia. Go make a macaroni picture frame. Go cook up some homemade play-doh in bright pinks and purples. Go make a pizza sandwich, grab a bright green lime popsicle, and sit with your feet in a kiddy pool while you listen to the crickets and their hot summer song.

These four postcards were the ones I made with the students while we worked on our crafting project.

These two postcards I made just the other day and hope to send them out to a home soon.