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Picture Frame- Rhyming Poems

This week I worked with students on rhyming poems. Inspired by Shel Silverstein these silly poems should hopefully bring a little smile to your face!

Picture Frame

I bought the picture frame at the store.

It was only a dollar and then 50 cents more.

I wanted one that was small, not too big,

Made out of wood, or bark, or maybe a twig. 

I needed something I could hang on the wall,

Something that made me think of fall.

Because the picture inside was something grand.

It was that autumn day when my husband first held my hand. 

Mood Booster

Chocolate is my favorite food.

It always works to improve my mood.

If you start to see me be mean or rude,

Give me a chunk of dark chocolate to improve my attitude.

Midnight Stories

When we lose the evening light

And feel the calm embrace of night,

I curl into a blanket snug and tight

And read my stories of dragons in flight. 

Hooked by Books

I went to the library to get a book

But stayed quite long to have a look

At all the books I wish I took

Reading had me on the hook

City Fox

In the city there lived a fox.

He slept in a den next to the docks.

He came out at night to pick some locks

So he could sit and watch the clocks. 

Kitty Cat

Fluffy cats are soft and sweet

They always look for a place with heat

All of the cats I would like to meet

Wouldn’t that be really neat?

An Unfortunate Evening

Late last night I dropped my keys

I bumped my knees,

let out a wheeze. 

Then I couldn’t stop a sneeze

Which came out with a great big squeeze

Until I shouted please

I’m done with these!

Sunday Breakfast

My favorite pancakes are crisp with butter.

A big tall stack starts my heart a’ flutter.

I grab out my fork and pour a syrup river.

I use my knife to cut a sliver

And eat that pancake with a joyful shiver!

This last poem is special in that it was co-written with a 3rd grade student. It turned out so well I just had to share!

Winter Fairytale

There was a princess in the snow.

In the dark, a candle did glow.

In a home, warm and snug

She drank some cocoa in a mug 

And sat on a comfy rug

Published in Poetry Writings


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